What is a Podiatrist?


A Podiatrist is a medical specialist who deals with the medical, mechanical and surgical treatment of the human foot and ankle. A Podiatrist’s education consists of four years of undergraduate training, four years in a college of Podiatric Medicine, followed by a three-year residency program.

A Podiatrist treats all ailments of the human foot and ankle, the only restriction being that he cannot amputate the foot or administer a general anesthetic. A Podiatrist may prescribe any medication, which will help the treatment of a foot problem. Surgery is performed in the office, surgical centers, or hospitals. These surgical procedures, in most instances, give a patient permanent relief from a chronic foot problem.

Podiatrists in Florida must attend fifty hours of post-graduate training courses every two tears in order to have knowledge of the latest diagnostic and treatment methods.

Podiatrists have admitting and staff privileges at most hospitals in Florida.

Our Office

Comfort and convenience are priorities of Futch Podiatry. Located in Ponte Vedra, Florida, our state of the art facility was designed with patient comfort, safety, and ease of access in mind.